Rafael Climent, the Regional Economic Minister visits VIVES

The Regional Minister of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labour, Rafa Climent, accompanied by the General Director of internationalization, María Dolores Parra, and the rest of the Authorities of Alcora city and Valencia Region have visited the VIVES Azulejos y Gres facilities this morning.

The Regional Minister of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labour, Rafa Climent

During the official visit, an interesting exchange of opinions took place between the delegation and the tile company in which the regional representatives have shown a visible interest to know in depth the innovative methods in terms of the economics and trading of the brand.

acompañado por la Directora General de Internacionalización, María Dolores Parra

VIVES thanks the authorities for their visit and the interest shown in our company.

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